Event 3: 24 Hour Challenge

 For event #3 I decided to take part in the 24-hour challenge where I unplugged completely from all tech. To say it was difficult was an understatement. I couldn't help but feel as if at any point I was completely missing out on the important things around me. For the first few 6 hours I had prepped to study by printing out transcripts and lecture slides to annotate to study for my upcoming final. It didn't feel as immersive as my usual study techniques because I felt as if writing it out without a breakdown of examples or even using Google images when I was confused about difficult concepts made it hard. Not having information at my fingertips made me often doubt my interpretation of what I was learning. 

    The next few hours consisted of now attempting to get chores done without any form of tech playing in the background. I usually play my podcast in the background or sometimes play a YouTube video. However, I had to be alone with my thoughts while folding clothes and doing laundry which honestly was the most torturous part of my day. These two things are activities I avoid at all costs let alone doing it at the same time. 

Finally, towards the end, I felt as if I just wanted to be productive in any way I could because somehow I felt as if I had extra time on my hands due to the lack of scrolling. My way of being productive ended in organizing my room, finding things that I forgot about, getting overwhelmed over cleaning up the mess I made, cleaning it up, then proceeding to just take a nap. The next day I tried to work out without any tech. I missed my phone and headphones. I needed probably 5 more hours to complete the 24-hour challenge. I did not succeed as I forgot to finish an assignment. I could say this challenge was partially successful.


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