Week 9: Intersection of Art and Space


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 The intersection of art and science has long been a source of fascination, inspiring creative expressions that merge the realms of human emotion and empirical knowledge 
[2]. In our quest to understand the vast expanse of outer space, art, and science fiction art have played a pivotal role in capturing the imagination and propelling space exploration endeavors [1][3].

Paul Dominique Phillipoteaux

    While the prospects for human exploration of the solar system dwindled after the Apollo missions, robotic missions expanded dramatically, with every planet in the solar system being visited by 2022 [4]. Today, we are experiencing a Second Golden Age of space exploration, with the rise of commercial spaceflight operations and NASA developing new vehicles and spacecraft for human space operations beyond low Earth orbit [4]. Space artists continue to play a vital role in envisioning and depicting the future of human spacefaring, helping to inspire and propel ambitious plans for exploration on the Moon, Mars, and beyond [4].

    Perspective drawing techniques like one-point, two-point, and three-point perspectives enable artists to imagine depth and space on a 2D surface [5]. Overlapping objects, adjusting size based on distance, and placement on the picture plane further enhance this illusion. Manipulating color, value, and detail also helps convey depth, with closer objects appearing warmer, darker, and more detailed.

Scriven Bolton 

    Space artists have chronicled humanity's journey into space, capturing iconic moments and achievements through artwork. From the early days of rocket experimentation to the Apollo missions and beyond, their renderings serve as visual records, preserving the spirit and progress of space exploration for future generations.


[1] Brunswick, Shelli. "Space Art: How Do Science and Art Work Together?" LinkedIn, LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/space-art-how-do-science-work-together-shelli-brunswick.

[2]"How on Earth Are NASA, Science, and Art Related?" Kennedy Space Center Blog, Kennedy Space Center, https://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/blog/how-on-earth-are-nasa-science-and-art-related.

[3] Brunswick, Shelli. "Space Art: How Do Science and Art Work Together?" LinkedIn, LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/space-art-how-do-science-work-together-shelli-brunswic

[4]"Space Art Celebrates the Past and Future of Cosmic Exploration." Astronomy.com, Astronomy Magazine,  https://www.astronomy.com/science/space-art-celebrates-the-past-and-future-of-cosmic-exploration

[5]"A Celebration of Space Technology and Art." EverGreene Architectural Arts, EverGreene Architectural Arts, https://evergreene.com/a-celebration-of-space-technology-art/.


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